Many people confuse modern with contemporary architecture, and use the terms interchangeably. However, the differences between these two types are much greater than you might think. Modern architecture is more functional and uses simpler forms. In addition, it is much more durable than traditional construction. And it is less expensive, which is always a plus.
Less ornamentation

Adolf Loos argued that the use of ornament in buildings is unnecessary. He believed that this would detract from the building’s function and be a sign of degeneration. He also said that it was a waste of money, human labour and materials. But he was not alone. Loos’s work exemplifies the idea of minimalistic design and is dripping with sarcasm.

There are many styles of architecture. Some are modern, while others are neo-classic. While neo-classicists often prefer simple forms and less ornamentation, some architects do draw out column capitals.
Simplification of forms

Modern architecture focuses on functional features and reduces ornamentation. While it is often at odds with traditional architecture, it is more sustainable. Both types have their merits. For example, modern architecture is more energy efficient than traditional architecture. It is also less expensive. But, it is important to keep in mind that modern architecture isn’t without its drawbacks.

While the construction of a modern architecture project may cost more than a traditional one, there are some benefits that make it worth the cost. The use of energy-efficient materials and sustainable designs is a major benefit. This helps to keep the cost of the project low and reduce its environmental impact. In addition, traditional architecture is also low-cost since it doesn’t require hi-tech equipments.

The initial cost for modern architecture projects includes preparing the site. These expenses can range from $400 to $4,000. Other costs include impact fees of up to $3,900, sewer inspection of up to $5,000, and architect and engineer fees of about $3,300.

The concept of durability has been central to the practice of architecture for centuries. Today, however, we are surrounded by ephemeral, short-term structures that are legislated and normative. They are designed to meet comfort and safety regulations and deliver fiscal returns. But they do not account for durability.

As climate change increases water levels, temperatures, and weather extremes, the durability of buildings is becoming a more pressing issue. While some buildings can be deconstructed or recycled, others must be redesigned to withstand these changes.
Energy efficiency

Energy-efficient architecture is becoming more common, and for good reason. Electric vehicles, for example, have double the efficiency of internal combustion engines, and plug-in hybrids offer increased battery capacity and can drive a limited distance without gasoline. While energy-efficient architecture is not cheap, it is well worth it for the long-term impact on environmental health.

The goal of energy-efficient architecture is to reduce the amount of energy required to provide a building’s product or service. This can be achieved in many ways. For example, installing thermal insulation, LED lighting, or natural skylight windows can reduce energy consumption. Many other measures are also beneficial in improving indoor conditions.