Modernist architecture refers to buildings that were constructed using modern methods of construction. Its characteristics include lightweight construction, big glass surfaces and larger floor plans. The number of interior spaces was enlarged due to fewer walls and the outer walls were designed expressively. These developments allowed architects to experiment with new construction and materials.
Postmodern architecture

Postmodern architecture is an emerging movement within the field of architecture that is an alternative to modernism. Its goal is to respond to modernism and challenge its dogma. Rather than renouncing the modernist aesthetic, postmodern architecture tries to embrace aspects of modern architecture that irritated and disappointed its creators. This style also incorporates diverse aesthetics and new ways of viewing space.
Contemporary architecture

Contemporary architecture makes use of a variety of building materials, including wood, glass, and concrete. It also uses aluminum screens to keep out the elements. Most of these designs feature oversized plate glass windows to let in natural light and create large open spaces. They also use innovative shapes in the building frame. In addition, some of these designs make use of eco-friendly materials, such as recycled materials and recycled glass.
Modernist architecture

Modernist architecture is a form of architecture that was developed during the early 20th century. Its underlying philosophy was “form follows function,” and was at odds with ornamentation. Its distinctive flat-roofed designs and minimalist aesthetic were popular during this period, but their maintenance problems led them to be quickly abandoned. In addition to their maintenance problems, modernist homes often did not stand up to the test of time. By the 1970s, modernist architecture was on its way out, and the brutalist movement began to dominate the field. It challenged people to live with less space and less clutter.
Art Deco architecture

Modern buildings are often adorned with elements of Art Deco architecture. The period is known for its bold forms, geometric ornamentation, and sharp-edged looks. This style was a transitional step from traditional to modern approaches to architecture. It brought architecture into the twentieth century and continues to be popular in large cities across America.
Bauhaus architecture

Bauhaus architecture is an iconic style of architecture that was born out of the goal to produce comprehensive design. Its development grew into one of the most important trends of the twentieth century. Its original educator, Johannes Itten, revolutionized art education in the early 20th century. His preparatory class allowed students to experiment with various media and explore emotions through their work. The curriculum also included organic form investigation, canonical art study, and life drawing.
Art nouveau architecture

Modern buildings can incorporate elements of Art Nouveau architecture, including the style’s famous four-tiered altar. The style was first seen in Brussels in the 1890s, when architect Victor Horta designed the Tassel Hotel. His designs were adopted by Hector Guimard in Paris, where they were applied to new metro entrances. At the 1900 Paris International Exposition, the style reached its zenith. It was also evident in graphic arts and glassware by Emile and Rene Lalique.
Art nouveau

Art Nouveau is a decorative style that is popular in many modern buildings. Its features include curved glass, asymmetrical shapes, and extensive use of arches and curved forms. Some buildings also incorporate Japanese motifs and plant-like embellishments. Examples of buildings designed in this style include the Bauhaus-inspired Casa Mila, the Wainwright Building, and the Marquette Building, both in Chicago.
Neoclassical architecture

While this architecture style originated in Italy, it was largely adopted and spread throughout the continent. Key Neoclassical architects included Ferdinando Fuga, Luigi Vanvitelli, and Claude-Nicolas Ledoux. These architects sought to evoke the simple yet elegant simplicity of classical architecture. Their buildings generally follow the rules of symmetry and are free from excess ornamentation.