Modernism is a style of architecture that emphasizes the use of contemporary materials and modern techniques to create architectural structures. In contrast to traditional architecture, it is often more geometric and minimalist in its approach. Its main characteristics include the use of materials such as glass, steel, and concrete to create structures that are durable and elegant.

The Modernism movement was a movement of avant-garde architecture that combined aesthetics and formal innovation. Its pioneers sought to create a new style that would be suited for post-World War I society. They also embraced the idea of using new materials in buildings that would allow them to achieve taller, wider spans.

Modernism began with theoretical proposals and early architectural achievements in Europe. The movement was based on the idea that buildings should be functional and rational, rather than decorative and ornamental. It also rejected the conventions and details of previous epochs, such as columns, architraves, and the façade.

The theory of architectural constructivism was created by architects such as Alexander Vesnin and Moses Ginzburg, and subsequently became a style of architecture. A notable example of constructivism is the Palace of Labor in Moscow, designed by the Vesnin brothers. The building is a wedge-shaped amphitheater with approximately 1900 seats. Many subsequent ambitious projects never came to fruition.

Inspired by the ideas of Russian Futurism and the Bauhaus, the style of architecture reflected the industrialization of society. It emphasized the use of advanced structural and technological principles. During the early years of Soviet power, social conditions were a major factor that led architects to pursue more radical ideas for architecture. The movement was also related to the modernist movement in the visual arts.
Art Deco

Art Deco is a modern style of architecture that originated in the 1920s. This style of architecture was influenced by the visual arts and was popular in Europe. Its bold geometric shapes and vivid colors created luxurious artworks. The style emerged in France during the 1920s, and was embraced by other countries, including Britain, Italy, and Japan. Although the style was widely popular, it was not officially introduced until the 1925 Exposition Internationale des Arts Decoratifs et Industriels Modernes, a World’s Fair-like event.

While many buildings from this period resemble more classical styles, the style also incorporated modern aspects. The most well-known buildings in this period include the Chrysler Building, the Empire State Building, and Rockefeller Center. While they were not the first buildings designed in this style, these buildings influenced the architecture of future generations.

Postmodernism is a style of architecture that rejects the conventional aesthetics of modern architecture. Its proponents embrace historic elements, unusual materials, and modulation systems. Venturi’s postmodern style is often associated with buildings such as the Bank of America Center, which was constructed in Houston, Texas, in 1983. Known for its extravagant design, this bank building blends functionality with exuberance, and serves as a landmark of postmodern architecture.

Postmodern architecture often displays a sense of playfulness and a desire to create a sense of excitement in the viewer. It often features exaggerated forms, as well as multiple elements that reflect the situational context of the building. Postmodern architecture also emphasizes the use of symbolic forms to help people understand the purpose of a building.